Monday, July 28, 2008

Apartment Hunt Facts

Prices for renting flats in Abu Dhabi have increased by 50% on average in the last 7 months. A furnished apartment that we found in January for $3,000 is now $5,000 unfurnished (that IS U.S. dollars). And we thought DC was expensive.

Questions from an apartment application:
Do you have any tame animal?
If your answer is yes please mention your animal.
Do you have any mechanical machines?
Do you like plants?

For apartment furnishings, we've been ask to choose between two styles of decor: Yoshi and Rana. Which would you choose?


Chelsea said...

Hey, good job posting. This is hilarious. I'd definitely choose Rana, duh.

familia Bybaran said...

I would definitely go for Yoshi and definitely get a house with tame camels.

I am so excited to keep in touch with you guys in Arabia! Isn't it hotter than heck?

Camille said...

AAA! Yoshi or Rana. My colleague went with Manhattan.